Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Falling off the wagon

Okay, it's confessions time. I gave up on not using my car for this week. I feel pretty guilty about this. I've been working/struggling to get the first phase of renovation work on the house done and I just reached a point where worrying about how to get from point A to B ceased to matter. If I didn't have a car in front of my house, I expect I would have called Enterprise and rented a car for the week. Trips to IKEA, Lowes, grocery store, etc; if I were an alcoholic, this would have been a binge. Mostly, I had too much to do and think about and just couldn't add no car to the mix. Now, the good news is that my projects- Phase 1 construction projects- are completed and my house looks great! The next few days, I'll hang things on the wall and then, rest and go back to normal life.

The good news is that I still feel it is/will be easy to live without a car. I probably would rent a car under these circumstances in the future. I still took the bus to work and combined trips in efficient ways.

On a related front, I'm considering teaching a class next year called Auto Economics, short for, The Economics of the American Love Affair with the Automobile. Have to talk with my Chair and see what he thinks.

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