Friday, September 24, 2010

Assessment Week 3

Well, it's been a busy week that has flown by. Car-wise- not as good as last week. I used my car once to go to Lowes for my ongoing, but close to the end of this phase, construction project. I could have used my parent's; they have made it clear that they don't mind. My Dad says, "it sits in front of the house most of the time anyway." They are two people with one car and are okay with the idea of being three people with one car. I don't know why I used my car instead of theirs- habit I guess.

My car was used by my brother; they're already a two person-one car household plus they have a 16 year old with a learner permit. Anyway, Sunday night, they had two events so Dave borrowed my car. This seemed to me to be well within my general low carbon footprint and frugality principles!

I used my car today, though I'm now into week 4, to take Dad and I to grocery and hardware stores while Mom went for another errand. We could have waited and taken their car later which is what we'll do when we I get rid of my car. On the other hand we carpooled, as well as combined trips efficiently.

Overall, I'd give myself a B for the week. On the plus side, I've reached a point psychologically where I know I can live without a car; I realized that sometime this week. I'm sure enough about it so that I called my son and told him to think about when he wants to make the trip from Rochester to pick it up. I will occasionally use my car until then, particularly, in situations where I would rent a car. I'm not going to actually rent a car until I'm no longer paying for this one. In Kentucky, maybe everywhere, you cannot own a car, even if you are not driving it, without insurance. And, my 6 month insurance bill, for $390, is due by mid October. If I have to pay for it anyway! It's a wrench, especially since I have had $0 in car expenses in the last month. When you don't drive, there's not even gas, just fixed expenses like insurance.

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